Depending on the kind of help you need, I could act as your lawyer or your mediator.

If you know which role you would like me to play in your journey, click on the appropriate link below. If you are unsure about this, I would be glad to offer guidance on selecting the best process option for your situation.

Your path starts here

Work with me as a lawyer

My legal practice is limited exclusively to the out-of-court resolution of family law matters. I provide legal advice and help folks to negotiate, prepare, and execute legally binding contracts.

Work With Me

Work with me as a mediator

When I am acting as a mediator, both parties are my clients, and my job is to help them reach an agreement in principle. Each of them will need their own lawyer for independent legal advice as well.

Work With Me

Get help choosing your path

Deciding which approach to resolving family law issues is right for you can be a real challenge, and most people can benefit from the guidance of an experienced professional.

Work With Me