Some Benefits of Staying Out of Court

I’m pleased to be quoted on the Advocate Daily website, talking about some of the benefits of out-of-court resolutions for families going through transitions. Here is a short excerpt:

“It gives parties the opportunity to address some of the related issues that are of concern to the individuals going through the process but are not strictly ‘legal’ issues,” says Silbert, of Silbert Family Law. “It also allows people to avoid an adversarial process that often exacerbates conflict (adding fuel to the fire) and instead work towards a mutually acceptable solution.” Where there are children involved, and the parties will have continued contact after the separation, it provides an opportunity for them to start learning to work together, she says. Out-of-court resolutions also benefit the justice system by reducing the number of cases working their way through the overburdened family courts, says Silbert.

For the full post, click here.

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